The Investment Council considered new mechanisms for business support in the region and made point solutions for provision of assistance for implementation of several projects.
Four investment projects being implemented in Leningrad region were presented to the Governor Alexander Drozdenko.
Yahtec Rus plans to implement a project on construction of a factory for production of gas air heaters in Tosno. The volume of investments will exceed 300 million rubles. But the investor has already faced a problem with a driveway. Today the region is registering it, the Governor also gave an order to provide assistance to the municipal districts concerning receiving subsidies from the road fund for road repair and reconstruction.
A new project will be implemented in the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo – Blockfire Firefighting Technologies is planning to establish a modern factory for production of innovative firefighting products. A business plan for receiving the status of the resident of the territory of advanced development is being prepared.
Two related projects were also presented – RAUM Bugry Industrial Park in Vsevolozhsky district and its resident – Knorr Bremse 1520 manufacturing braking systems for railway transport. The factory has already been commissioned and is interested in receiving tax benefits. By order of the Governor, the economic team will help the investor to select the best type of tax benefits and will provide information about reimbursement of expenses on infrastructure.
All projects receive support of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region. The investors during their presentations noted assistance of the employees of the Agency concerning solution of issues connected with implementation of the projects.
The Governor Alexander Drozdenko expects that by the end of the year the industrial production index of Leningrad region will come to 99.7% which is higher than in Russia, and the volume of investments will remain at the level of the last year.