Investment portal of leningrad region

Special conditions for investors in the territory of advanced development Pikalevo


The territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo provides special conditions for investors:

  • 0% corporate property tax for the first 5 years;
  • 0% of the federal part of corporate income tax, 5% of the regional part of corporate income tax for the first 5 years;
  • 0% land tax for 10 years;
  • reduction of payments to extrabudgetary funds from 30.2% to 7.6%.

“Today it is possible to save 22% on payments to extrabudgetary funds,” said Sergey Chidagaya, CEO of F.Skrupskoy – a resident of the territory of advanced development Pikalevo and Pikalevo Industrial Park.

He believes that the key advantage is reduction of corporate income tax and payments to extrabudgetary funds. Investors receive significant preferences if they have the status of the resident of the territory of advanced development.

Today 23 land plots with various total area – from 0.5 to 90 ha – are available in Pikalevo along with favourable conditions. 11 sites already have all necessary infrastructure, such as connection to electricity with capacity of 1.2 MW and heat supply with capacity of 2.4 Gcal/hour.

More detailed information about receiving the status of the resident of Pikalevo can be received in Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region.

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