Five companies already announced implementation of investment projects in order to receive tax benefits under the law on support of regional investment projects. The total sum of investments according to these projects is more than 9 billion rubles.
All new projects are being implemented in manufacturing industries:
- production of marine equipment complexes and component equipment complexes by Brigantina LLC,
- creation of foamed PVC sheet production by Karmatekh LLC,
- expansion of wallpaper production at ARTEKS factory,
- creation of corrugated cardboard production complex by Nurek LLC,
- coffee production factory ORIMI LLC.
The participants of regional investment projects investing from 50 million rubles can reduce income tax up to 10% and property tax up to 0%.
More detailed information about tax benefits for investors and conditions for obtaining them can be received at the investment portal of Leningrad region and in Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region.