Suggestions of Leningrad region for support of investments will be discussed during a session of the State Council of the Russian Federation. The Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko headed a subgroup “Support of investments” in the working group “Economy and finance” of the State Council.
“Not coincidentally Leningrad region was chosen to carry out work on issues concerning support of investment activity so that it could be included in the federal agenda. Our region was declared a leader in terms of its investment policy and it occupies leading positions in terms of the volume of investments. Today we’ve finished meticulous work and brought together problems in the region which investors face, and solution to these problems could significantly simplify the process of doing business in Russia,” noted Alexander Drozdenko.
In order to prepare a final document the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activity has carried out big work and accumulated more than 200 suggestions on development of investment activity and use of new tools for attraction of investments. Suggestions were received from 47 subjects of the Russian Federation, All Russia Public Organization Business Russia, Center for Strategic Research and Agency for Strategic Initiatives.
Here are some suggestions:
- Public-private partnership: to provide an opportunity to get VAT refund for investors in concession agreements.
- To cancel strict specialization by activities and to preserve only those restrictions which were set by law while establishing the territory of advanced social and economic development.
- Reduction of time required for approval of the transfer of land from the government forest fund to the category of industrial land and settlement land.
- Urban development: industrial development projects can use a “package solution” concerning preparation of a site plan and land use and development regulations by a single developer.