Investment portal of leningrad region

Support to farming in the region

Support to farming in the region

Farms of Leningrad region which produce natural organic goods will receive compensation amounting to 10% of capital investments in production of these goods.

“Several farmers in Leningrad region have already received international quality certificates for their eco-products. They produce vegetables, milk, meat, baby food and sports nutrition. Along with financial support “Leningrad hectare” programme will contribute to manufacture of natural products in remote, ecologically clean districts of the region. We are ready to provide financial support to such production,” emphasized the Governor of Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko.

International quality certificate is a required condition for receiving support. In 2018 Alehovshina Ecofarm in Lodeynopolsky district was the first to receive such certificate.

Committee for Agro-Industrial and Fishery Complex of Leningrad Region will start to submit applications on participation in “Leningrad hectare” programme on 15 April 2019.    

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