Syasstroy Bread-Baking Plant is expanding production and constructing a shop-café.
An investment project on the modernization of rusk production was declared a large-scale project by a decree of the Governor. According to regional law, this status provides the investor with a right to rent a land plot without bidding procedures. The bread-bakery plant will receive a land plot with a total area of 1,438 square m for expansion.
The volume of investments in the project will amount to 201 million rubles, most of which will be used for the acquisition of new equipment and the rest – for the construction of a shop-café with a warehouse. Modernization will allow manufacturing new types of competitive products, implementing the strategy of import substitution of desserts, expanding the geography of supplies, and increasing the production volume.
The renewed enterprise and the shop-café will provide 59 new jobs.
The management of the enterprise is planning to complete the implementation of the investment project by 2024.
Syasstroy Bread-Baking Plant was established in 1934, since 1976 it has been producing rusks. In 2015 the Bread-Baking Plant was acquired by Polyanitsa Group of Companies and modernized. The new modern equipment allowed increasing the quality of the main products – rusks and launching manufacture of completely new products – Italian dessert cantucci. Today the products made by the plant are sold in the leading retail chains in Russia and are also exported to China, Germany, the USA, and other foreign companies.