Receive advantages for your business developing it in the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo.
Tax benefits for the residents of the territory:
- 0% corporate property tax for the first 5 years;
- 0% federal part of corporate income tax, 5% regional part of corporate income tax for the first 5 years;
- 0% land value tax for 10 years;
- reduction of payments to extra-budgetary funds from 30.2% to 7.6%.
Pikalevo Industrial Park located in the territory of advanced social and economic development provides:
- opportunity to construct under individual projects;
- quick launch of production due to prepared infrastructure.
Additional preferences for business:
- construction of engineering infrastructure is available using the funds of Monotowns Development Fund;
- attraction of the funds of Monotowns Development Fund to a project.
Detailed information about the territory of advanced social and economic development Pikalevo can be received in Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region: +7 (812) 644-01-23