The highest flagpole in Europe (height – 100 meters) was made in Leningrad region. It was installed in Finland, the town of Hamina, and recently received a commissioning permission.
100 meter high flagpole and a giant national flag with the size of a basketball court (16.7x27.3 m) was ordered for celebration of the 100th anniversary of Independence of Finland.
The idea was put into life at AMIRA factory in Tosnensky district of Leningrad region. Record characteristics of the structure required significant control. Finnish engineers supervising the project came to the factory to assess each production stage. Samples of metal used for production of the flagpole were sent to several independent laboratories and institutes for analysis. Severstal also confirmed the quality of steel for the European market.
Design and production processes were inspected stage by stage by both the customer – Administration of Hamin and the invited auditors. The structure model was tested in a landscape wind tunnel of Krylov State Research Centre. Tests proved that the structure was designed with large margin of safety.
It was confirmed that the flagpole meets safety requirements and quality standards of the European Union. The commissioning permit was given for 50 years.
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