The region agreed on the placement of the three largest investment projects


The MVK of the Leningrad Region gave the green light to a gas processing complex, a poultry loudspeaker and a grain terminal.

At a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the placement of productive forces on the territory of the Leningrad Region, investment projects for the construction of a gas processing complex as part of the ethane-containing gas processing complex near the village of Ust-Luga, the creation of a loudspeaker of the 1st order meat direction for 20 thousand heads of laying hens of the grandparents and the construction of a production and logistics complex of Sodruzhestvo LLC (Baltic Grain Terminal LLC).

“The Leningrad region continues to be a region attractive for large-scale investments. All three projects that were approved by the Interdepartmental Commission are of strategic importance. Under the new conditions, these projects are even more relevant, and the region will do everything to create the most favorable treatment for their investors,” said Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of the Leningrad Region.

As a reminder, the investment project "Gas processing complex as part of the ethane-containing gas processing complex near the village of Ust-Luga" (GPC KPEG) of RusKhimAlliance LLC will provide annual processing of up to 45 billion m3 of ethane-containing gas per year. The launch of the GPC KPEG will increase Russian LNG and LPG exports (by 30–40%). The production of ethane, which is in demand by the domestic industry, will increase significantly. The ethane produced by the plant is planned to be supplied to the promising Gas Chemical Complex, implemented by BHK LLC.

The total volume of capital investments (excluding VAT) in accordance with the investment memorandum is planned to exceed RUB 1,380 billion.

The project of Severnaya Ferma Management Company JSC provides for the creation of a 1st-order meat production unit for 20 thousand heads of laying hens of the grandparent stock in the Vyndinoostrovsky rural settlement, near the village of Volkovo (Volkhovsky district of the Leningrad region). Its goal is to provide the necessary infrastructure for the subsequent creation of a domestic cross-country poultry meat, for the purpose of technological restructuring of the industry. The breeding reproducer of the 1st order works with the grandparental herds of crosses. The reproducer receives the initial lines for these herds from the Breeding and Hybrid Center. The main tasks of reproducers of the 1st order: the production of breeding products (day-old young animals or incubation eggs) for obtaining parental forms of hybrids and providing them with reproducers of the 2nd order. The created reproducer of the 1st order is planned with a capacity of 20,000 hens of progenitor forms.

The total investment in the construction of the 1st Order Reproducer is estimated at 1.387 billion rubles.

The project of LLC "Sodruzhestvo" (LLC "Baltic Grain Terminal") provides for the construction of a production and logistics complex focused on the export and import of grain, food and other bulk cargo LLC "Baltic Grain Terminal" in the commercial seaport of Ust-Luga. LLC "Baltic Grain Terminal" in the commercial seaport of Ust-Luga. The construction of a new terminal will make it possible to reorient part of the cargo (primarily grain) from the ports of the Baltic States to domestic ports, and expand the capacity of the port infrastructure of the North-West of Russia. The planned transshipment capacity will be up to 10 million tons/year with a complete absence of dangerous goods turnover.

The volume of investments is more than 37 billion rubles.

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