Investment portal of leningrad region

Visit of Sichuan delegation

Visit of Sichuan delegation

A large delegation from Sichuan province paid a visit to Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region.

The participants of the meeting discussed both development of business and trade ties between the regions, and specific investment projects of Chinese companies in medical industry, wood processing, gas and chemical industry, food industry, construction of infrastructure. Other promising areas are development of tourism and projects connected with port infrastructure of Leningrad region.

Chinese partners expressed their interest in deliveries of food products from Leningrad region. Elixir – a manufacturer of honey, sauces and cosmetics containing succinic acid and Russko-Vysotskoe – a manufacturer of eggs and poultry presented their products. Entrepreneurs and the regional Export Support Centre discussed prospects of entering Chinese market and possible cooperation with the Chinese delegation.

More than 80 million people live in Sichuan province. The capital is Chengdu which has air connection with Russia. Gross regional product of the province is steadily growing. In 2018 it came to 4 trillion 67.8 billion yuan (597.9 billion USD), having increased by a trillion within just three years.

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