Investment portal of leningrad region

Working visit to Gefest SP and Orient Products


A working visit was paid to two enterprises which receive the support of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region.

The head of the economic team of the Government of Leningrad region Dmitry Yalov, his first Deputy Egor Mishcheryakov, Director of Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region Anastasia Mikhalchenko held a meeting with the heads of these enterprises.

Gefest SP is a plastic products factory which manufactures automotive components for Hyundai and Kia. It was opened in 2020, investments amounted to 450 million rubles. The capacity is 250,000 items per year. 75 jobs have already been created, and the enterprise is planning to expand.

 Orient Products in Sertolovo has been manufacturing rye crispbread since 2005. In 2017 the enterprise entered the Swedish Group of Companies Lantmännen. Today the company actively invests in development. The projected line for production of croutons will use Russian technologies, which later can be used at the foreign markets. It is worth mentioning, that both enterprises invest in development and create new jobs, despite the pandemics. Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region is constantly in touch and helps the companies to implement their large-scale plans.

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