Phosphorit Industrial Group


Phosphorit Industrial Group, which is a part of EuroChem, is one of the leading manufacturers of phosphate fertilizers and fodder phosphates in Northwest Russia, as well as sulphuric and phosphoric acid for their own production needs.

Phosphorit products are shipped to consumers in over 70 countries in the world and 35 regions of the Russian Federation. The first product was released in 1963. The company is the largest manufacturer of phosphate mineral fertilizers and defluorinated phosphate in Russia.      

about 55,8 billion rubles – volume of investments 
150 people – number of personnel
1 million tonnes per year – volume of commercial products

the 60s: construction of Phosphorit factory began in Kingisepp. The key to the decision for the construction of the enterprise was the discovery of phosphate reserves in the Kingiseppsky district
25 December 1963: the government commission signed an act opening the first line of Kingiseppsky phosphate mines. This date is officially viewed as the ‘birthday’ of Phosphorit
the 70s: construction of the chemical complex began
1972: the first site of the chemical complex – the sulphuric acid workshop – was opened. Over the next seven years, the site for the extraction of sulphuric acid, three sections of the ammophos workshop and the second sulphuric acid workshop were opened
1984: the fodder workshop released its first production. At this time Phosphorit became one of the leaders in the Russian chemical sector
2001: Phosphorit became a part of EuroChem Mineral and Chemical Company. Today, the enterprise is profitable, technologically advanced and socially significant

Address: Phosphorit industrial zone, Kingisepp, Kingiseppsky district
Phone: +7 (813) 759 51 86
Official website:

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