Tikhvinsky municipal district


Tikhvinsky district is situated in the north-east of Leningrad region, 200 km away from Saint Petersburg. It borders Volkhovsky and Kirishsky districts in the west, Novgorod region and Boksitogorsky district in the south, Vologda region and Boksitogorsky district in the east and Lodeynopolsky district in the north.

Distance to Saint Petersburg: 200 km

Administrative centre: Tikhvin

Area: 7,017.7 square km

Population: 69,457 people (urban population – 83.7%, rural population – 16.3%)

Infrastructure: motorways A114 (Vologda – Novaya Ladoga) and P36 (Lodeynoe Pole – Budogosch) and a railway going from Saint Petersburg through Cherepovets and Vologda to Ural and Arkhangelsk passes the territory of Tikhvinsky district.

Besides, an extensive road network of the district connects administrative centre with urban settlements.

Economy: the industry is the basis of economy in the district, its share in the total volume of produced goods, performed works and services by large and medium-sized industrial enterprises and organizations is 80%. And the share of manufacturing industry enterprises in total volume of industrial production has changed from 86% to 97% over the last 5 years.

The characteristic feature is changes in the structure of industrial production: the share of mechanical engineering products has grown from 65% to 82%, and about 78% of industrial products are manufactured by the enterprises of United Wagon Company: Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant, TikhvinChemMash, Titran-Express and TikhvinSpetsMash.

Large enterprises:

  • Tikhvin Assembly Plant Titran-Express – manufacture of parts of rolling stocks and track equipment
  • Tikhvin Ferroalloy Plant – production of ferroalloy, excluding blast furnace ferroalloy
  • Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant – manufacture of rolling stocks
  • Comazo – production of warp-knitted underwear
  • TikhvinChemMash – manufacture of rolling stocks
  • TikhvinSpetsMash – production of new generation specialized freight cars
  • Tikhvin Bread-Baking Complex – production of bread and confectionery bakery products of short-term storage
  • Cultura-Agro – animal husbandry (dairy and meat)
  • Andreevskoe Joint Venture – animal husbandry (dairy and meat)
  • IKEA Industry Tikhvin – production of furniture

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