Support for trading activity in Leningrad region

Legal basis for support:

  • the regional law of Leningrad region No. 10-oz of 08.04.2002 “On Measures of Government Support for Trading Activity in the Territory of Leningrad Region”;
  • the order of the Government of Leningrad region No. 158 of 05.09.2002 “On Approval of the List of Several Types of Goods Sold in Accordance with Regional Law On Measures of Government Support for Trading Activity in the Territory of Leningrad Region”;
  • by-laws defining the order of granting subsidies to organizations engaged in trading activity (developed annually).

Traders receive:

  • exemption of corporate tax (13.5% instead of 18% included in the budget of Leningrad region);
  • subsidies from the regional budget of Leningrad region (granted every quarter). 

Benefits for traders:

Benefits traders eng 2017

Conditions for granting support:

  • registration in the territory of Leningrad region;
  • average monthly revenue over the current year exceeds 100 million rubles;
  • disposed goods are included in the list affirmed by the Order.

Advantages of undertaking trading activity in Leningrad region:

  • there are no similar support measures for trading activity in any subject of the Russian Federation;
  • favourable investment climate of Leningrad region, its geographic location and foreign economic relations allow developing trading activities;
  • consulting and informational support for organizations prior to receiving exemptions and within contract duration.