One of 11 main directions of strategic development of the Russian Federation is “Monotowns” and implementation of a priority programme of Integrated Development of Monotowns, its passport was approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects (protocol of 30.11.2016 No. 11).
According to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.07.2014 No. 709, a municipal unit of the Russian Federation can be declared a monoprofile town (monotown) in case it meets the following criteria:
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.07.2014 No. 1398 defines the list of monotowns of the Russian Federation which includes 319 municipal units classified by three categories depending on the degree of worsening their socio-economic situation.
Integrated Programme for Development of Monotowns was developed and approved in every monotown in order to improve investment attractiveness and provide sustainable economic growth on the basis of diversification of economy, improvement of the quality of life of the population.
The key aim of the Integrated Programme for Development of Monotowns is reduction of dependence of monotowns on work of city-forming enterprises by creation of new jobs which are not connected with these enterprises. Besides, territories of advanced social and economic development should be created in the most part of monotowns (according to the federal law of the Russian Federation of 29.12.2014 No. 473-FZ).
The residents of the territories of advanced social and economic development receive several types of preferences – tax benefits of federal and regional levels.
Support to monotowns is provided by Non-profit organization Monotowns Development Fund established in order to contribute to development of infrastructure and diversification of economy of monotowns for stabilization of their demographic and economic status. Monotowns Development Fund provides the following types of support for monotowns: co-financing of construction of engineering infrastructure objects; participation of the Fund in authorized capitals of organizations implementing investment projects in monotowns; provision of soft loans for implementation of investment projects in monotowns.
1 category monotown, urban settlement Pikalevskoye (municipal unit Town of Pikalevo)
3 category monotown, Syasstroyskoe urban settlement (municipal unit Syasstroyskoe urban settlement)