Fishing freezer trawler

Fishing freezer trawler

Pella Shipyard launched its new trawler Scorpio
July 11, 2019
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Development of the region 2020-2024

Development of the region 2020-2024

Development forecast of the region was presented to the public
July 11, 2019
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Actualization of Strategy-2030

Actualization of Strategy-2030

Development strategy of the region was introduced for discussion
July 9, 2019
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Example of cooperation with Italy

Example of cooperation with Italy

V.Putin noted construction of ammonia production plant of EuroChem
July 9, 2019
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Development priorities

Development priorities

Investment breakthrough of the region was presented to diplomats
July 4, 2019
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Increasing the volume of export

Increasing the volume of export

10 billion USD – the volume of export of Leningrad region by 2024
July 3, 2019
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Logistics system of Gazprom

Logistics system of Gazprom

New fuel terminal Gladkoe was put into operation in the region
July 2, 2019
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Industrial cooperation

Industrial cooperation

Twenty three enterprises of Leningrad region are potential partners
July 1, 2019
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Technologization is our advantage

Technologization is our advantage

Participation of the region in National Ranking of Investment Climate
June 28, 2019
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Round table of Delovoy Peterburg

Round table of Delovoy Peterburg

Manufacturers support improvement of the quality of life
June 28, 2019
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