"Bushe" will bake in the Leningrad region

"Bushe" will bake in the Leningrad region

The “Bushe” company rented a production and warehouse complex in the city of Otradnoye
January 28, 2022
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Reference-visit to Kirovsk

Reference-visit to Kirovsk

The reference-visit was made to Kirovsk to the industrial sites of two companies participating in the first stream of the “Sreda” business-accelerator
January 27, 2022
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Meeting of the Energy Committee of the RGCC

Meeting of the Energy Committee of the RGCC

At the meeting, they discussed the development of electric charging infrastructure in the Leningrad Region
January 21, 2022
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Svetogorsk PPM: bound for development

Svetogorsk PPM: bound for development

The new investment project will modernize production, improve the city's environment and increase output.
January 20, 2022
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Construction site in Ust-Luga controlled by robots

Construction site in Ust-Luga controlled by robots

Robot-dogs, self-propelled platforms, convertoplanes and drones were involved in the construction of the CPEG
January 19, 2022
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Leningrad Region’s Investment Council: new projects and green agenda

Leningrad Region’s Investment Council: new projects and green agenda

At the meeting of the Council for improving the investment environment in the Leningrad Region, two new projects were introduced
December 16, 2021
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The site of "Ford" has found a new investor

The site of "Ford" has found a new investor

The Korean company-manufacturer of auto parts “Sungwoo Hitech RUS” acquired the site of the former “Ford Sollers” plant
December 16, 2021
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The region will be replenished with another industrial park

The region will be replenished with another industrial park

A new site with ready-made production buildings will appear in the Lomonosov district
December 16, 2021
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New business relations and common climate agenda

New business relations and common climate agenda

A networking meeting of the Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce took place
December 15, 2021
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Leningrad Region is a leader in sustainable development

Leningrad Region is a leader in sustainable development

The region took first place in the ESG ranking of Russian regions
December 9, 2021
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