Strategic cooperation between Russia and Germany

Strategic cooperation between Russia and Germany

Leningrad region at the conference “Innovations are the driver of economic growth”
February 19, 2020
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Leningrad region entered top-10 regions in terms of the quality of life

Leningrad region entered top-10 regions in terms of the quality of life

The region improved its positions – from 11 to 8 place
February 18, 2020
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We share successful experience with other regions

We share successful experience with other regions

Meetings with colleagues from Development Corporations of Kamchatka and the Republic of Karelia
February 17, 2020
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National Rating Agency prepared its annual rating

National Rating Agency prepared its annual rating

Leningrad region is in top-7 most attractive regions in terms of investments
February 13, 2020
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White Sea vessel was launched

White Sea vessel was launched

New fishing trawler was constructed by Vyborg Shipyard
February 11, 2020
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Opportunities of cooperation between Russia and Norway

Opportunities of cooperation between Russia and Norway

Networking meeting of Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce
February 10, 2020
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Meeting with Korean partners

Meeting with Korean partners

The participants discussed prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation
February 7, 2020
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National project for success of regional enterprises

National project for success of regional enterprises

“Labour productivity and employment support” for Leningrad region
February 6, 2020
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National projects plans for 2019 are implemented

National projects plans for 2019 are implemented

Results of implementation of national projects in economic sphere
February 5, 2020
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New multifunctional centre was opened in Luga

New multifunctional centre was opened in Luga

The centre provides 513 public, municipal and additional services
January 29, 2020
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